Mind Hacking Show
This Saturday
Lets Break the Ice @ Offline LinkedIn Community
April 11, 2020 | Time : 6 PM Onwards
Join us to witness a Mind Hacking Show by TUSHAR KUMAR - Illusionist & Mentalist & Chief Trainer at Delhi School of Magic.
Tushar will be coming live to demonstrate some Mind reading Illusions & Card Magic Games.
Illusion and mentalism are in his genes, having been nurtured and honed in him by none other than the highly acclaimed Illusionist of all times, and his father, Mr Raj Kumar. Been around magic his whole life, he was initiated into the art forms from a very young age; he is one of the youngest and most captivating Illusionist, Mentalist and Inceptionist of India today. At a young age of 29, he already has to his credit more than 2500 shows worldwide.

About Offline LinkedIn
Offline LinkedIn is a non profit organization (it is purely a private non monetize organization which has no connection or affiliation with LinkedIn).
The vision behind Offline LinkedIn is to connect professionals from vast verticals to offline meetups and share there knowledge. We all carry a certain skill and wishes to develop more but due to many reasons are not able to take a step ahead.
At Offline LinkedIn events, you are most welcome as a professional with no barriers to connect other fellow professionals and share what you have with you.



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